Sunday, November 2, 2008
It's Not Over Till It's Over......
The antidote for this is to make sure that every vote that can be cast has been cast. Here, in Florida, we expend a lot of energy on getting out the vote, but that goes for my friends in other states as well. Please make sure that everyone you know votes, and votes correctly. No one can be complacent enough to decide that their vote is really not necessary. Their vote is very necessary and becoming more so with each poll that comes out on
This email is to not request, but rather to beseech you to help in your area to get out the vote. Guilt them into it if you need to, but I beg you – do whatever you need to do to help us get out the vote…wherever you live….no matter how partisan the area may be. Use the vision of Sarah Palin if that will help. Again, pull out all the stops.
There is that great video going around where you insert a name and blame just one person for the wrong guy winning. That is almost not funny.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Getting Closer to the Election
You could tell from the electricity in the room, that there was a real chance for the state to go Democratic....something we are not usually used to. We were told that there would be a team of the best lawyers in the country at our beck and call for any emergency that might happen....very reassuring when you live in Florida. As a Democratic Leader, I really felt statewide victory and came away elated.
I somehow became very emotionally engaged in this election. I dislike the Republican team so intently and adore the Democratic team. I really do see hope when Obama Biden is in charge of our country. I just wish it was all over already. It almost is. Absentee ballots were received Friday and I will be voting today. At least it will be over for me.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Note From Karen Thurman, Florida Democratic Party Chair
Dear Friends,
I just wanted to write you all a quick note saying thank you for helping make the 2008 Democratic Convention a success. I think we all had a great time seeing old friends, meeting new ones, watching history being made, and working together.
I have heard from so many friends across the nation about how the Florida delegation always seemed to be at the center of everything. People noticed that our delegation was most enthusiastic and fun delegation – constantly dancing and partying on the convention floor. They commented positively on our delegations coordinated dress – whether it was the tropical/Florida attire; the red, white, and blue dress complete with the blinking Mickey Mouse necklaces; or the Obama themed night.
The beach balls flying around our delegation were also noted – and several other delegations copied the idea on Thursday night. I don’t even need to mention the great seats that we had all week.
Floridians lead the lineup at the podium with Rep. Robert Wexler, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Kendrick Meek, Rep. Kathy Castor, Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Marine Corps Gen. John Estrada (Orlando), Janet Lynn Monaco (Brevard), Pastor Joel Hunter (Northland) all speaking. Iraq War Veteran Mike Wilson (Brevard) had the unique honor of nominating Barack Obama.
The Villages resident Marsha Shearer was one of ten people nationwide who were chosen to meet with Senator Obama during the convention through the Backstage with Barack online program.
While many people, including Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and others gave inspiring speeches, Barack Obama’s was one for the history books. He looked and sounded presidential while making the case for how he will bring the change we need to America. Obama laid out his detailed policy platform, spelling out how he will rebuild our economy and keep our nation safe. He also illustrated how John McCain represents more of the same, including questioning McCain’s judgment in supporting George W. Bush more than 90% of the time.
While I regret that there were some logistical issues that arose during the week, many of which were unfortunately out of our control, I think we had an extremely successful convention. If you had any specific issues that you would like to discuss or great memories you would like to share, please feel free to contact me.
As always I look forward to working with you as we continue building the wave of support to elect Democrats up and down the ticket.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
My dance with Mo Rocca on the Leno show
Funny thing, family told me to avoid Comedy Central at all costs....they just forgot to mention the Tonight Show
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Celebration Is Over - Time To Get To Work
Our day started with our delegation breakfast where we were told that things were not going to be easy that day and that we should get to the field very early. The convention buses were starting at 2:30, but shuttles downtown with rail transport was available.
I had little or no patience to sit and wait for the delegation bus - so off I went to brave beautiful downtown Denver and the "common people"! Turns out my trip was a great adventure.
I hooked up immediately with two guys who had both traveled from far places. One was from Bermuda and the other one was from West Palm. Neither one of these guys had tickets to the event, but they had traveled to Denver to be part of the happening. As it turns out, both got tickets. I was blown away. Almost everyone on the train was going to Invesco Field. All lived far away and traveled by plane and none were convention delegates. All were drawn by the incredible historic evening.
The event at the field was not to be believed. The delegates were seated on the floor and Florida's spot was directly in front of the podium. All of our elected officials from Bob Graham and Bill Nelson down were sitting with the delegation. Celebrities were walking around and mingling with everyone and it was common place to walk with the likes of Jesse Jackson.
The amazing thing was that we were sitting and looking up at the stands. They were filled to capacity. All 80,000 were cheering, holding signs and out there with the moment.
The speakers started to come out. Noteworthy were Al Gore and, of course, Barak Obama. Gore was incredible. He looked wonderful, lost both weight and the beard, and was sharp and on task. He ripped into the Republicans and Republican tactics. He reminded us of what was done to him and assured us that would not happen again. Barak would not allow it.
Stevie Wonder and Cheryl Crow were among the entertainers and the crowd went wild. The dancing in the aisles reached its crescendo by the time Barack Obama came to the podium. The crowd was blown away. His speech aced everything that could possibly be thrown at him. His positions were made clear and euphoria was everywhere, from the delegation down front to the people in the farthest reaches of the stadium. Fireworks exploded, confetti rained down (red, white, and blue). We were all standing on chairs watching Barack and Joe with their families waving and cheering along with us.
Yes, if this convention did nothing else, it brought Senators Obama and Biden into the mainstream and they are now Barack and Michelle, Joe and Jill, people of the people. Our candidates were sold throughout this convention as down home people and we bought it, hook, line and sinker. We fell in love with our candidates and I know the Florida delegation will go back and work like hell to bring in this slate.
The mood on the bus going back to the hotel was camp style. We were calling across the bus and cheering all the way to Stapleton. We all went into the bar, where MSNBC was replaying the evening, and became silly teenagers again. What fun that was, but like all good things, must come to an end. This is just the beginning.
My roommate had a meeting of the DNC downtown this morning, and I am going to take my book to Panera and chill out. After that I intend to do what every red blooded woman does. I'm going shopping. It is time to see if Denver malls are any different from any others. I will be back home tomorrow and ready for the next big event in my life.
My Emma is being Bat Mitzvah a week from Saturday. Very big party. We have family arriving from different parts of the country. Time to start concentrating on family.
Have a wonderful day everyone and get out and make sure everyone you know votes for the Obama Biden know, my friends Barack and Joe.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Best Night Yet
The first order of business was the placing in nomination of Barack Obama for President of the United States. The name was put into play by our own Debbie Wassserman Schultz. I am President of Debbie's home club, so it became a particularly personal moment for me. I was very proud.
Once that was taken care of we had the roll call vote. The vote was stopped when it got to New York as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton moved that we nominate Barack Obama by acclamation, thereby ensuring a show of a united party to all the outsiders. The roll call vote was exactly the way it appears in the movies, with each state touting itself and then announcing it's totals. When Hillary came to her state's mike, the room went crazy.
John Kerry came out and reinforced the damage that was done to him and that we will never allow to happen again. He was followed by Melissa Etheridge who tore the house down with her music. Another favorite Florida son, Representative Robert Wexler spoke next with his passion for Obama and why our country needs him.
Finally, the moment we were all waiting for. President Bill Clinton was the next speaker. Bill Clinton was introduced by our own Kendrick Meek. Another feather in South Florida's cap. President Clinton aced his speech and nailed exactly what we needed. He placed Barack Obama at the helm of the country and likened the campaign to his campaign. The Clinton's were the stars once again.
Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana followed and charmed us with his charismatic personality. I had a chance to speak with him. He thanked me for my efforts in Florida and I thanked him for his efforts for the country.
By this time, the room was rocking. We were all dancing and carrying on and because of the placement of the delegation, the media was with us the whole time.
Representative Pelosi then came out and asked for a motion to accept the nomination of Joe Biden for Vice President. The room screamed out the motion and when it came to seconding, my son told me that according to CNN I was the one who seconded the name of Joe Biden. How did we ever live without text messaging?
Beau Biden, Joe's son and the Attorney General for the State of Delaware came out to introduce his father following a biography of Joe Biden. He is an amazing person and an absolute man of the people. By the way, his wife is a teacher and still teaches. He spoke beautifully and eloquently about the need for change in our country. He talked about his son, who is leaving for deployment to Iraq in October. We were cheering throughout the speech and our cheering reached a crescendo when the Biden family came out...children, grandchildren, mother, brother, nieces and nephews. The climax to the whole thing came when Barack Obama marched out to surprise the Biden family....what a beautiful moment.
We were done for the night - it was time. Tomorrow is the big event at Invesco Field with 80,000 people participating.
Oh, ane by the way, my son called me as we were on the bus coming back to the hotel to tell me that I was on Jay Leno's show dancing with Mo Rocca. He told me I looked silly, but was having lots of fun. That was the case for this whole convention. Definitely the experience of a lifetime.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Our first speaker was Senator Bob Graham who is a favorite son in Florida. We all know both Bob and his family, they stay at the hotel with us and travel the delegation bus. This was definitely not a high point and I continued sleepwalking.
The next speaker woke me up in spades. That really cool guy from Montana, Governor Brian Schweitzer came up to the podium and within 5 minutes, we were all up on our feel screaming and cheering. This man is the least politician like person I ever met. Dressed down in jeans and a string tie, he spoke our language or should I say screamed our language. Whatever he did, it was fabulously effective and he woke up the Florida delegation.
Right after the Governor, Rick Minor, who is the Dem chair of Leon County came up to the mike. Rick called his girlfriend up to stand with him. With the entire group watching, he got down on his knees, proposed and gave her a ring. Not a dry eye left in the place.
Our next order of business was actual voting. We were told that Hillary had relinquished her pledges and asked people to vote their consciences. We all got in line to receive our ballots and then learned that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz....our Debbie....member of my Weston Democratic Club and Weston resident.....would be placing the name of Barack Obama in nomination this afternoon. I was totally blown away, and exceedingly proud of Debbie.
Left breakfast on a high and came upstairs to write my thoughts and get the last figures on yesterday's primary. More later.
Hillary Spoke Tonight
The rest of the session was geared to giving each of the party stars a chance to shine. We saw three South Floridians who were taking on major Republican congresspersons. The Florida delegation cheered them on and promised support.
There was also a lull in proceedings because of the primary election back home. One of the reporters even asked why almost everyone in the delegation had cell phones glued to their ears. It was difficult to pay attention when your mind was obsessed with getting figures from the Supervisor of Elections office in Broward county. We multitasked very well and by the time the Governor of Montana came to the podium, we were throwing around our beach balls and were once again the loudest group in the hall.
Governor Schweitzer of Montana put the excitement back in the room. He had us standing up and yelling for McCain's downfall. By the time Chelsea Clinton came to the mike we were psyched and ready for her mother.
Hillary's speech was terrific. She told us what we needed to hear. She told us that we all needed to unite behind Barack Obama because the alternative would reshape the country in a way that would destroy our way of life forever. We screamed, we cheered, we held up signs, but most of all we realized that it was time to come together for our common goal. We need to elect Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.
Once the session ended, exhausted Florida delegates who had been multitasking all night creeped out of the hall. At that point I reached my convention highlight. I took a picture with gorgeous David Gregory of MSNBC news. What a momento to leave my grandchildren
Tomorrow is another day with another early delegation breakfast. Time to sleep.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What A Day!!!!!
Everyone was exhausted and we knew that we had a very long day ahead of us so Florida trekked back to our rooms for naps. We were due at the bus at 1:30. This was tropical day and we all dressed in tropical themed clothing.
The thing that struck me the most was the security. Our bus had a police presence and all along the route to the Pepsi Center there were clutches of security people guarding our way. We had to be checked thoroughly to get in, but once we were in the complex, we entered Fairyland.
The first reporter to stop us came from Finland. We interviewed him as well as having him interview us. I noticed that even Al Jazeera had a presence at the convention. The Florida delegation was placed right in front of the stage. I am guessing that this was because of all the aggravation we were given before the convention.
The first order of business was the Rules report giving the Florida delegation full voting rights. The delegation exploded, singing and dancing, throwing beach balls all around and generally having a wonderful time. All the photographers and news groups were around us because we were definitely the most fun of all the delegations. I received six text messages from friends who had seen me on television.
There were lots of speeches and lots of celebrities, but the high points were definitely the speech given by Senator Ted Kennedy. There was not a dry eye in the place by the time he finished. Emotion ran high. It was an incredible moment.
The second high point was the speech by Michelle Obama. What a terrific lady this is. Her humanity shown through the speech and there were times where she almost lost her composure while talking about her late father and her love for her husband. She brought out her two daughters who were simply adorable.
My first convention day was not to be believed. Absolutely the best experience of my life, but quite frankly, if I don't sleep now, I might pass out at the computer.
More tomorrow
Monday, August 25, 2008
The selection of Joe Biden filled the gaps that people saw in the campaign. Biden, a true man of the people who goes home to his family nightly, is able to relate to the delegates in a wonderfully, positive fashion. The convention center was jammed with delegates buying all kinds of Obama/Biden paraphernalia. They just could not get enough!
We took the bus back to the hotel and went into the bar to sit, drink, have dessert and chat from table to table. When it finally reached a point that no one could move, the Florida delegation to the Democratic National Convention went up and went to sleep.
We are due at the delegation breakfast at 7:15 tomorrow morning. We will be receiving our credentials for tomorrow's session at breakfast.
Going to sleep.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Made it to the airport very early this morning. Security went off without a hitch and when we got to the gate we met many members of the Florida delegation. They were as bleary eyed as we were. It reminded me of the camp busses. People walked around the plane and chatted. It was great to see Debbie Wasserman Schultz dressed down and relaxed. I told her that I almost didn't recognize her without Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann next to her:-)
The hotel we are staying at, the Red Lion, is the home base of the Florida delegation. People are out in the lobby, milling around, talking politics and the mood is excited. Our first event is the welcoming ceremony tonight. The shuttle will take us to the Convention Center at 5:30 and we have a few hours to network. I will definitely take the camera!
Our delegation breakfast begins at 7:00 tomorrow morning. I am still on eastern time so at some point I will definitely need to sleep.
Have to unpack now - more later
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Day Before
I loved the email addressed to Ann, talking about Joe and signed Barack. Great PR - made me feel (even though I knew that was hardly the case) that this was all about me.
Haven't really started packing yet. Too many things to take care of before. When I return from Denver I only have a week before my Emma's Bat Mitzvah with guests from various parts of the country. Had to get ready for that as well.
I am really bummed because we will be in Denver on Primary Day and I have a lot invested personally in that as well. In addition to my really good friend Scott Israel running for Sheriff, I have many good friends running for judicial positions. Ellen Feld, Paul Eichner, Steve Feren and Catalina Avalos are all very dear to me. I am really sorry that I will not be around to drink all the champagne, but they all promised to save some for me.
So many people have told me that this is an extra special convention and I will be a part of history in the making that I am starting to believe it. Got a call from the Obama campaign the other night asking me if I would be available for press coverage. After I stopped laughing I said "sure". Whole thing is definitely surreal.
Invitations have been coming fast and furious. I think just about every lobbying group in the world is having a gala party, dinner, lunch, event etc. I don't quite understand why they are doing this for the little people. When push comes to shove, we have nothing to say about anything and are really only there for help in motivating the country with our enthusiasm. I hear there are going to be lots of protesters in front of the Convention Center, but I think that is more preaching to the choir. Of course we are anti War - of course we are pro choice - that is why we are Democrats.
It's going to be a wild ride - I really can't wait!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Convention Schedule
Sunday, August 24th:
Themes and Attire at the Convention:
This is New Orleans themed but there is no suggested attire.
We will be arriving at approximately 1:00 and immediately going to the hotel to check in. From there we will probably go to the Convention Center to network, mill around and take part in the gatherings that are offered. We will be staying at the Red Lion, the home hotel of the Florida delegation.
2:00pm- 4:00pm: Interfaith Gathering. Wells Fargo Theatre, Colorado Convention Center. The Democratic National Convention Committee will join the Democratic Party's Faith in Action Initiative to host the first interfaith gathering ever to be part of a Democratic National Convention. The Interfaith Gathering will feature clergy of a variety of faiths, Party leaders, elected officials and local community leaders
6:00pm-8:00pm: Delegation Party hosted by the Democratic National Convention Committee the Colorado Convention Center. Open to delegates/alternates and one guest each. This is a ticketed event. The event will benefit The Friends of New Orleans a non-profit organization dedicated to ongoing recovery efforts in New Orleans and surrounding areas
TRANSPORTATION: DNCC transportation will be provided from delegation hotels to the venue. Details to follow.
Monday, August 25th:
Themes and Attire at the Convention:
Florida attire. Think tropical! Sunglasses will be provided.
8:00am-9:30am: Delegation Breakfast at the Red Lion Denver Central
TRANSPORTATION: For those staying at either the Embassy Suites Denver Aurora or The Timbers we will be providing transportation from those hotels to the Red Lion Denver Central. Transportation to the Red Lion will start at 7:10am.
10:00am-4:00pm: Caucus Meetings at the Colorado Convention Center. At this point, I am not involved in any particular caucus, I intend to chill out at the hotel and network with Florida delegates.
Buses will begin picking up at delegation hotels starting at 9am. Transportation from the Colorado Convention Center to hotels will end at 12pm.
4:00pm-9:00pm: Convention Business at the Pepsi Center
TRANSPORTATION: DNCC transportation for convention business will start at 1:30pm from the hotels at will end at 5:30pm. ONLY THOSE WITH DNCC CREDENTIALS ARE ABLE TO TAKE THIS TRANSPORTATION. Transportation from the Colorado Convention to the Pepsi Center is available and can only be accessed by those with credentials.
Hey, Ann Ruth Isacowitz Zucker from Brooklyn is one of those credentialed delegates. Who woulda thunk it?????
Tuesday, August 26th:
Themes and Attire at the Convention:
Open night to express yourself!
8:00am-9:30am: Delegation Breakfast the Red Lion Denver Central
Buses will begin picking up at delegation hotels starting at 9am. Transportation from the Colorado Convention Center to hotels will end at 12pm.
4:00pm-9:00pm: Convention Business at the Pepsi Center
TRANSPORTATION: DNCC transportation for convention business will start at 1:30pm from the hotels at will end at 5:30pm. ONLY THOSE WITH DNCC CREDENTIALS ARE ABLE TO TAKE THIS TRANSPORTATION. Transportation from the Colorado Convention to the Pepsi Center is available and can only be accessed by those with credentials.
10:00pm-1:00am: Post Convention Party with the Delegations of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Florida at INVESCO Field. Food and drink are themed around each state including Key Lime Pie. This is open to each delegation member plus one guest.
TRANSPORTATION: We will be taking people from the Pepsi Center to INVESCO Field. Transportation will start at 9:30pm and run till 11pm from the Pepsi Center to INVESCO Field. Transportation from INVESCO Field to our delegation hotels will start at 11:30pm and run till 1:30am.
Wednesday, August 27th:
Themes and Attire at the Convention:
Red, White, and Blue night. This is the night that voting will take place at the Convention.
8:00am-9:30am: Delegation Breakfast the Red Lion Denver
Buses will begin picking up at delegation hotels starting at 9am.
10:00am-12:00pm: Delegate Service Day Project at Bicentennial Park (must have signed up at to participate in this event. Username: delegate. Password: service.)
TRANSPORTATION: Denver Public Schools’ buses will be on-hand to pick delegates up from their hotel and transport them to Bicentennial Park. Buses will also return delegates to their hotel at the conclusion of the project. The transportation host for this project will meet delegates at their hotel at 9:30 a.m. and accompany them to the project site. The host will also accompany delegates back to their hotel after the project.
Additional Information: As this project is located outside, please wear comfortable, cool clothing that you do not mind getting dirty and closed-toed shoes. Also remember to wear sunblock and bring water to drink.
4:00pm-9:00pm: Convention Business at the Pepsi Center
TRANSPORTATION: DNCC transportation for convention business will start at 1:30pm from the hotels at will end at 5:30pm. ONLY THOSE WITH DNCC CREDENTIALS ARE ABLE TO TAKE THIS TRANSPORTATION. Transportation from the Colorado Convention to the Pepsi Center is available and can only be accessed by those with credentials.
10:00pm-12:00am: Post Convention Event hosted by United Airlines, The Airline Pilots Association, The Association of Flight Attendants and the Veterans PAC at Coors Field. Food and drink will be provided. This is open to our delegation members and their guests.
TRANSPORTATION: Currently transportation is being worked out. Details to follow.
Thursday, August 28th:
Themes and Attire at the Convention:
Obama gear. Wear your shirts, buttons, hats, sunglasses, etc to show your support of Senator Obama. This is the night we join the other 76,000 enthusiasts!!!!!
8:00am-9:30am: Delegation Breakfast the Red Lion Denver Central
4:00pm-9:00pm: Acceptance Speech at INVESCO Field
TRANSPORTATION: DNCC transportation will be available for the acceptance speech at INVESCO Field and is open to only those with DNCC Credentials.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
South Florida politics - Daily Show style
I'm going to the Democratic Convention!!!!!!
Hey good friends – just wanted to share my excitement!
I can’t believe it’s real! It’s actually coming closer. In one month, I will be leaving for the Democratic Convention in Denver. I almost feel like Cinderella, taking part in all the conference calls and planning meetings for our delegation. The latest and most exciting part is that the acceptance speech will be in a 75000 seat stadium. I can’t even imagine that one. We’ve already gotten invitations to the pre convention parties (of which there seem to be many) and one of my colleagues reminded me that I will be taking part in history.
FYI, I have decided that I will be blogging the convention so that you can all live it with me. For now, though, you can get a small idea of what is coming by going to the following site: