Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Not Over Till It's Over......

…and that hasn’t happened yet. I am getting increasingly nervous about the number of undecided voters showing up in the polls. Are they really undecided or afraid to be labeled as one thing or another (I think the word I am having trouble with is racist).
The antidote for this is to make sure that every vote that can be cast has been cast. Here, in Florida, we expend a lot of energy on getting out the vote, but that goes for my friends in other states as well. Please make sure that everyone you know votes, and votes correctly. No one can be complacent enough to decide that their vote is really not necessary. Their vote is very necessary and becoming more so with each poll that comes out on
This email is to not request, but rather to beseech you to help in your area to get out the vote. Guilt them into it if you need to, but I beg you – do whatever you need to do to help us get out the vote…wherever you live….no matter how partisan the area may be. Use the vision of Sarah Palin if that will help. Again, pull out all the stops.
There is that great video going around where you insert a name and blame just one person for the wrong guy winning. That is almost not funny.

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