Friday, August 29, 2008

The Celebration Is Over - Time To Get To Work

Incredible experience. That is the only way that I can express yesterday's convention sendoff.

Our day started with our delegation breakfast where we were told that things were not going to be easy that day and that we should get to the field very early. The convention buses were starting at 2:30, but shuttles downtown with rail transport was available.

I had little or no patience to sit and wait for the delegation bus - so off I went to brave beautiful downtown Denver and the "common people"! Turns out my trip was a great adventure.

I hooked up immediately with two guys who had both traveled from far places. One was from Bermuda and the other one was from West Palm. Neither one of these guys had tickets to the event, but they had traveled to Denver to be part of the happening. As it turns out, both got tickets. I was blown away. Almost everyone on the train was going to Invesco Field. All lived far away and traveled by plane and none were convention delegates. All were drawn by the incredible historic evening.

The event at the field was not to be believed. The delegates were seated on the floor and Florida's spot was directly in front of the podium. All of our elected officials from Bob Graham and Bill Nelson down were sitting with the delegation. Celebrities were walking around and mingling with everyone and it was common place to walk with the likes of Jesse Jackson.

The amazing thing was that we were sitting and looking up at the stands. They were filled to capacity. All 80,000 were cheering, holding signs and out there with the moment.

The speakers started to come out. Noteworthy were Al Gore and, of course, Barak Obama. Gore was incredible. He looked wonderful, lost both weight and the beard, and was sharp and on task. He ripped into the Republicans and Republican tactics. He reminded us of what was done to him and assured us that would not happen again. Barak would not allow it.

Stevie Wonder and Cheryl Crow were among the entertainers and the crowd went wild. The dancing in the aisles reached its crescendo by the time Barack Obama came to the podium. The crowd was blown away. His speech aced everything that could possibly be thrown at him. His positions were made clear and euphoria was everywhere, from the delegation down front to the people in the farthest reaches of the stadium. Fireworks exploded, confetti rained down (red, white, and blue). We were all standing on chairs watching Barack and Joe with their families waving and cheering along with us.

Yes, if this convention did nothing else, it brought Senators Obama and Biden into the mainstream and they are now Barack and Michelle, Joe and Jill, people of the people. Our candidates were sold throughout this convention as down home people and we bought it, hook, line and sinker. We fell in love with our candidates and I know the Florida delegation will go back and work like hell to bring in this slate.

The mood on the bus going back to the hotel was camp style. We were calling across the bus and cheering all the way to Stapleton. We all went into the bar, where MSNBC was replaying the evening, and became silly teenagers again. What fun that was, but like all good things, must come to an end. This is just the beginning.

My roommate had a meeting of the DNC downtown this morning, and I am going to take my book to Panera and chill out. After that I intend to do what every red blooded woman does. I'm going shopping. It is time to see if Denver malls are any different from any others. I will be back home tomorrow and ready for the next big event in my life.

My Emma is being Bat Mitzvah a week from Saturday. Very big party. We have family arriving from different parts of the country. Time to start concentrating on family.

Have a wonderful day everyone and get out and make sure everyone you know votes for the Obama Biden know, my friends Barack and Joe.

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