Monday, August 25, 2008

THE WORD FOR THE DAY..... camaraderie!. We officially began our convention activities tonight. There was a kickoff with food and drink, along with a very loud rock group at the Colorado Convention Center. The mood was incredible. We met our colleagues from all over the country. There was even a delegation of Democrats overseas!

The selection of Joe Biden filled the gaps that people saw in the campaign. Biden, a true man of the people who goes home to his family nightly, is able to relate to the delegates in a wonderfully, positive fashion. The convention center was jammed with delegates buying all kinds of Obama/Biden paraphernalia. They just could not get enough!

We took the bus back to the hotel and went into the bar to sit, drink, have dessert and chat from table to table. When it finally reached a point that no one could move, the Florida delegation to the Democratic National Convention went up and went to sleep.

We are due at the delegation breakfast at 7:15 tomorrow morning. We will be receiving our credentials for tomorrow's session at breakfast.

Going to sleep.

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